Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Strange Icelandic Dances and Museums...

So usually I'm thinking being lazy is a bad thing but taking things slow today yielded a nice surprise.  I was standing near the town square (I posted a pic of it in my previous post) and was walking over to the local "kwikmart", Kvosin, for a few items when I saw what looked like some type of a procession towards the square.

Others noticed it too and were snapping pictures.   My first thought was, I hope that isn't a funeral procession because a whole mess of gawking tourists taking pictures would be so very inappropriate.  I am not sure what the hell it was.  It may have been a wedding or maybe the Icelandic version of a Quince?  Or maybe some type of a spring ritual?  Anyways, It was a whole mess of icelandic teenagers (or thereabouts in age) in couples, wearing fairly formal dress, dancing in a circle.  It was very nice and I took lots of pictures.  I think Thor actually made an appearance at some point, see if you can spot him.

Here is a video of the dancing.  I have more pics and videos but I didn't think it wise to upload them all so I put up what I thought were the best.

Once the kids were done with their little dance, I returned to my regularly scheduled program and hopped a cab to Laugavegur 116, the site of ...

Iceland's Phallogical Museum.

Needless to say the sights were impressive....

Some were disturbing...

Some where rather humbling...

And others completely INSANE...

I have tried to keep today's blog as PG as possible considering the topic.  If you are curious about what else I saw there, let me know and I'll get the pictures to you.  They were quite impressive. Lol.  Btw, some of you ***WILL*** be receiving items from the gift shop.  What you do with them is up to you.... :)

Tomorrow I will go whale watching and see some natural sights.  Geysers, waterfalls.  Hopefully I'll get some good pics.    Until then I leave you with this...

On my way to and from the Museum we went by the harbor, Beautiful place. Thought I'd share the sights...

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